Career Coaching

Montpellier Business School Alumni's Career Center aims to support every graduate towards employability, by offering services designed to facilitate the process of professional integration, returning to the workforce, or career transitioning.

Whether through personalized coaching sessions, themed workshops, or Job Dating, we are there for our Graduates at each step of their professional career

Your personalized coaching sessions

Here, improve your job research or register to our webinars.


3 March 2023: Alumni Day: Business Village and Networking Area
Need an intern? Jobdating short/international internships on 9 March 2023
Need a work-study student ? Jobdating for work-study on April 13th and July 19th 2023
19 April 2023: International Jobdating
22 June 2023: Jobdating for Young Graduates

Our coachs

Consult our coachs programs

Job offers

Consult our employement opportunities or if you are a recruiter, submit an offer 

Meet my network

Join our career event and the network

Network opportunities, advice, tips, join the private linkedIn group
Any question?


Emmanuelle Juan-Carlotti,

Career Support Project Manager  

Phone:  04 67 10 28 63